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Those ISO 45001 Headlights are Approaching
Last month we introduced ISO 45001, its relationship to the AS 4801 system and its coming changes. Today we explain both some solutions and the way ahead. Rumour has it that change is most challenging at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end. We're here to make it easier in the beginning, less messy in the middle, and as quick and efficient as possible. Let's find out how.
In this solutions-focused article, we will take a look at:
- Quick wisdom for navigating the change.
- A quick review of last month's key points.
- Understanding the ISO 45001 changes.
- Introducing Solutions.
- What will it cost? What discounts are there for existing customers?
- Final Tips for Success.
Some Quick Wisdom
July 2023 is looming ahead. Like approaching full-beam headlights on a dark country road, you see the glow of the threat coming over the horizon, and the foreboding glare can be a little intimidating. The moment of face-to-face tension often comes quickly, and July is closer than you think. It would be best if you didn't believe this is a Vespa scooter approaching. That's not reality. This change is a full-beam, all-lit Mack truck, so here's our advice:
- Look ahead and gauge the road before you stare down the blinding headlights.
- Slow down a bit and think this through. If you can reduce the pressure anywhere during your transition, think about doing that. It will help.
- Look away from the light (the blinding volume of change). Instead, just as we focus on the side of the road when blinded by headlights, focus on something that can guide you - and that's why we're here!
We didn't do any product promotion in the last article - we just wanted to help you prepare - but now it's time for solutions, so let's get into it.
A Review of the ISO 45001 and AS 4801 Connection
In last month’s look at the changes (cue the David Bowie classic 'Ch-ch-changes'), we unpacked the labels and relationships:
- ISO 45001 is the latest management system for occupational health and safety.
- In Australia, its complete identifier is AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 (we'll call it ISO 45001)
- It supersedes but does not replace AS/NZS 4801:2001 (also call it AS 4801).
- It supersedes and replaces OHSAS 18001.
- All states and jurisdictions are making the change.
- There are LOTS of changes!
We also discussed certification requirements, explaining that::
- If you were certified to AS 4801, and want to remain certified, you must transition to ISO 45001 by 13/7/2023, and
- If you weren't certified, you can keep using AS/NZS 4801:2001, but note
- This dual system will only continue for a yet to be specified time.
We explained that your 'certify or don't certify' decision is still likely to be guided by the following:
- Tender document certification requirements,
- The nature of your projects, and
- Market competitiveness.
Finally, we identified that the three guiding themes of ISO 45001 changes are:
- Holistic, rather than independent, perspectives and approaches,
- The use of process-based, not activity-based approaches, and
- Diverse distribution of responsibilities and liabilities.
Understanding the ISO 45001 Changes
Explaining the changes simply is impossible, partly because our readers have varied needs and diverse levels of understanding, but mainly because these changes aren't simple. If what follows feels like we're getting into the weeds, give us a call and we'll walk you through it. For those who appreciate the extra detail, we hope the following summary format is helpful.
What You Will Find
Many AS 4801 documents and processes have changed under the ISO 45001 regime. The new approach of being holistic, designing around process rather than activity, and distributing responsibility more diversely, has caused many documents to be changed in content only. Others have name and content changes, some have disappeared, and some new ones have appeared.
What is New?
- Context of the Organisation - Guidelines
- Context of the Organisation
- Document Management Process
- Improvement Procedure
- ISO 45001 Audit Program
- Management Review Agenda
- Operation Change Management Process
- Performance Evaluation Procedure
- Performance Evaluation Process
- Operation Procedure
- Planning Procedure
- Support Procedure
- Documented Information Retention Schedule
- OH&S Objectives and Targets Register
- Internal Audit Schedule
- Psychosocial Hazard Checklist
- 5 WHY Analysis Form
- Document Change Request Form
- Management Review Minutes
- Operation Change Request Form
- Witness Statement Form
What Has Been Replaced?
- Workplace Consultation Policy (now Leadership and Worker Participation Policy)
- Company WHS Policy (now Company OH&S Policy)
- Purchasing Policy (now Procurement Policy)
- WHS Meeting Procedures (now OH&S Meeting Procedures)
- WHS Performance Guidelines (now Performance Guidelines)
- Purchasing Procedure and Checklist (now Procurement Procedure and Checklist)
- WHS Audit Checklist (now both ISO 45001 Audit Checklist and a compact version)
- WHS Legislative Requirements Register (now Legal Register)
- WHS Performance Register (now Performance Register)
- WHS Audit Register (now ISO 45001 Audit Register)
- WHS Forms Register (now Document Control Register)
- Complaint Form (now Complaint and Feedback Form)
- WHS Meeting Minutes (now OH&S Meeting Minutes)
What Has Been Removed?
- Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (as this is more a HR than an OH&S issue)
What Remains (Though Likely Changed)?
- Nineteen of the existing policies.
- Fourteen of the procedure documents.
- Sixteen of the checklists.
- Thirty-two of the registers.
- Fourteen of the forms.
- The SWMS template also remains, though it also has slightly changed.
So what does this look like? What does 21x new items, 13x replacements, 1 removal and 95x retentions with changes do to your systems and WHS/OH&S solutions?
The answer is a whole new product range and supporting resources.
Introducing Our ISO 45001 Solutions
On November 9 we launched our ISO 45001 OH&S Management System (or OH&SMS for short).
Supporting this system will be:
- An easy-to-understand and comprehensive table of contents.
- An Implementation and Management Guide.
Over time, we'll also improve our linking to and between individual products. We'll get the 'Blinding lights Mack Truck solution' up as a priority, and then we'll help you handle the Vespa headlight.
What Will an ISO 45001 Transition Cost?
We want to look after our existing clients, but we also need to be honest about the amount of change and resourcing involved. Therefore, here's some scenarios and possible solutions - please note: all prices are pre-GST amounts.
If you purchased a complete system from us less than 12 months ago and you wish to:
- Upgrade to the entire ISO 45001 OH&S Management System; the cost is $300.
- Update a non-packaged ISO 45001 resource; the update is free.
If your purchase was further back.
- An upgrade to the entire ISO 45001 OH&S Management System will cost $300 plus a percentage of your original purchase.
- A non-ISO 45001 resource update is charged at a percentage of your original purchase.
The 'percentage of your original purchase' addition begins at 20% for purchases made 12-24 months ago. Then, rising by 10% each year until the eighth year (when the charge is 80% of the original price.
This is a fair and generous discount that looks after our existing clients. We also hope you agree.
Example 1: An ISO 45001 Upgrade
The entire ISO 45001 OH&S Management System investment is:
- $ 1,190.00 for new purchases.
- $ 597.00 for an existing client who purchased the AS 4801 almost three years ago, the cost is $ 300 + $ 297 (which is 30% of the price they paid 34 months ago).
- In real terms, that represents a saving of $ 593.00.
Example 2: An Item Update to ISO 45001
If updating, for example, a Construction OH&S Industry Pack resource to ISO 45001, the fee is:
- $ 2,890.00 for new purchases.
- $ 1,107.00 for an existing client who purchased an equivalent AS 4801 resource almost three years ago, the cost is $ 300 + $ 807 (which is 30% of the price they paid 34 months ago).
- In real terms, that represents a saving of $ 1,783.00.
Unsure of anything? Just call. We'll pull up your data and do the math. Easy!
Some Final Tips for Success
Here are some vital tips:
- Please don't leave it till the last minute. We'll be all hands on deck through the first half of 2023, but remember, we'll only be able to support so many people simultaneously.
- If you are transitioning to ISO 45001, ensure you're up and running with whatever applies to you by July 2023. Whatever isn't immediately relevant to you can be parked until needed.
- Remember the themes of holistic perspectives, process rather than activity-based approaches, and a more diverse distribution of responsibilities and liabilities. The process is less frustrating if you keep in mind what they're trying to achieve. It's easy to think this is a change for change's sake, but it isn't. This is a difference with a purpose.
We're aiming to make this as easy as possible. That truck is still coming; you've got to get past it, AND we're here to help.
Call 1800 304 336 if you have questions, or if you're confident, head off to the product page and get your solution underway. Remember, if you're an existing customer, you'll need to phone us before purchasing so we can calculate and apply your discount. We're ready for ISO 45001. Are you?